No? Every repair shop should. It saves you time and time is money! From time to time you will get defective screens in your repair shop and it's best to know which screens are defective before installing and wasting your time. Here at Shop Wireless Parts we carry the iPhone 4/4S testing cable. iPhone 5 testing cable, iPhone 5C testing cable, & the iPhone 5S testing cable. These cables will help you eliminate the bad screens quick. They're safe and very useful to all repair shops. Instead of finishing a repair just to find out the screen is defective you can use a screen testing cable to find out if the screen is defective quick.
- iPhone 4/4S Testing Cable - Here
- iPhone 5 Testing Cable - Here
- iPhone 5S Testing Cable - Here
- iPhone 5C Testing Cable - Here
All of us here at Shop Wireless Parts are so glad to have this handy tool in our warehouse and ready to ship to all of our repair shops today! The prices on them are low and it is a must have for all repair shops.